EMLOC Ltd - Marking Your Territory


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Ken Kuzyk (L) and Mike Sobel


Global Television (Edmonton) interviewed Ken Kuzyk of EMLOC Ltd on the importance of line locating.


Locate Awareness Seminars



EMLOC offers a one-day "Locate Awareness Seminar" to everyone involved in any form of ground disturbance.  From the homeowner planting a garden, to the owner of a major utility company - all are encouraged to learn what is involved during the locating process.


The seminar explains why it is important to conduct a locate before any ground disturbance is performed, what questions you should be asking your locate technician, what information you should supply to the locate technician, and how a locate is performed.

Topics of interest include:
  • Why do we need to follow procedures?
  • What are the rules a locate technician must follow?
  • What is the sequence of events for the different types of locates?
  • How a locate is performed?
  • What are the line locate technician's obligations?

Learning how damage to a buried facility may impact your life is not only enlightening, but it may prevent you from making incorrect, and sometimes life-threatening decisions before you begin a dig.


Not everyone is aware, for instance, that if you perform ground disturbance without having a locate ordered, and a utility is damaged because of this, the legal ramifications can vary from personal injury/wrongful death lawsuits, to fines of up to $500,000.00, and/or six months in jail.


If found guilty of non-compliance to due diligence, you will also be financially responsible for the cost of repair to the damaged utility/facility.


By understanding and accepting the responsibilities of both the line locate technician and the person preparing to disturb the ground, you will be more informed and better able to plan your next locate.


Contact EMLOC Ltd for information on how you can present a Locate Awareness Seminar to your business or community.






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